

Change the word (5-letter words)

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13.02.2016, 12:39
Speaking about colours on the face. ....have you ever TRIED to apply make-up?
Graham Eva
13.02.2016, 20:27
A friend used a foundation that DRIED hard and froze his features worse than botox so I decided to give it a miss!
15.02.2016, 12:52
That's a good excuse! I guess it's your PRIDE to be a man.
Graham Eva
15.02.2016, 21:21
Not getting to play with make-up is a PRICE most men are willing to pay as they are less obsessed about self image!
19.02.2016, 13:33
Right!  Anyway here is your PRIZE of consolation, Sir.
Graham Eva
19.02.2016, 17:07
I am going to wait for this consolation prize to RIPEN before plucking it.
23.02.2016, 18:56
Follow the cold shiver running down your SPINE!
Graham Eva
23.02.2016, 19:10
That shiver was because I SPIED a blue face staring at me!
24.02.2016, 19:54
I cannot easily stare you because you SPEED.
Graham Eva
25.02.2016, 18:21
You will have to buy a trusty STEED, a handsome stallion and then you will have no such problems.
28.02.2016, 16:50
That's a good idea. Now I have to move from words to DEEDS !
Graham Eva
28.02.2016, 17:20
Well, you could start by galloping from here to LEEDS.
01.03.2016, 20:41
Do you think Ami has some pumpkin's SEEDS giving me?
Graham Eva
01.03.2016, 22:46
Maybe she just looks like a pumpkin in her new DRESS!
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