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Beiträge | |
Misaki Ich komme nicht in die chatraeume , hat sonst noch jemand probleme damit ? | |
Amara Ja. Bei mir geht's auch nicht... | |
Wolfgang Versucht mal STRG+F5... Please try CTRL+F5 | |
clarah My name is Clara please your profile is very attractive so i decided to send you a massage because i am interested in knowing you dont reply to me on this site here , send me a reply massage directly on my email address (clarahalone@hotmail.com) so that i will explain better about me and also send my picture to you for you to know who i am. Thanks Clara. | |
✫ Ĵ∀Ұ ✫ Hellooooo!!!!!!!! | |
✫ Ĵ∀Ұ ✫ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ |
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