

Cosa ne pensate dell'omosessualità?

Darsh angelsh
08.02.2016, 03:18
mi interessano le risposte di tutti.
08.02.2016, 14:42
I don't speak Italian, but I don't have any issues with homosexuality. I don't think it should be viewed as something different or peculiar in this day and age.
08.02.2016, 19:00
I am against it, it is against human nature and against God. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and  John or Eve and Dana. Try to have babies as a gay couple. Is it possible? It's man+woman, that's how this world  is made and continues. Read the Bible and see what God says about this great sin. These drives come from satan like many others. That's his  way, plant the thought and the lust in one's mind then see how weak that person is. If you need help, ask God for help! Beware of fleeting things that might  cost you a lot later, the body disappears, and it can happen in a few seconds any time, but your soul remains so do your deeds, be they good or bad.
08.02.2016, 19:16
i agree with ami ..
the question is how can we make more babies if everyone does that?
i can understand that if there are some  issues in some organs but not in the case of doing that only for fun ..
Graham Eva
08.02.2016, 20:38
I agree that Ami's answer is consistent with what the Bible says, which shows what an intolerant attitude religions take towards this issue and how they seek to impose their moral code on others. As for the matter of babies I have not noticed a shortage of people in the world as yet!
Darsh angelsh
08.02.2016, 21:25
excuse me for my english.

Thank you all for your comments...I see only comments based in the bible, as the previous reviewer said don't see any missing human, it is not possible to give an opportunity to people to love?

if you have a friend, a child or someone close who want a lot, leave aside?

in this world full of prejudice all believe better than the next...i try to understand, but i don't understand much discrimination.

see you later.
Graham Eva
08.02.2016, 22:18
Prejudice is based in ignorance. The people who openly criticise homosexuality never try to understand it. I am sure they have never made a serious effort to contact a gay person. It is easy to make abstract comments based on your own limited understanding without making a real effort to engage with the topic. As for religious people I seem to remember a rule about not judging others......he who has no sin should cast the first stone..... so such petty mindedness is depressing in this day and age.
08.02.2016, 22:23
Then, I guess you also agree with sex-changing operations, right?? forget about what's normal! let's all abandon ourselves to all our desires and to whatever thought the devil puts into our minds.OK Graham, let's put the Bible aside for a sec, it's all still against the nature of humanity... and it's not only about men, it's about all the other species. It's female+male, you can't go wrong about that. humanity would cease to exist if we all loved people of the same sex, don't you see that the two pieces of the puzzle don't match no matter how hard some would like that ? you talk about homosexuality as if it were sth normal and encourage it (and know that it's one thing to sin yourself, but to make others sin by giving them the wrong advice or example is way more serious) . You people talk about LOVE?? if the love between  two men or two women is ok, then that would make the love between a 60yo man and a 12yo girl ok too..or maybe 2-3 girls, Long live pervs !!as long as there's love, everything's ok. I's 'love' that matters ... and sure  love and love..why can't men have 10 wives??? they have big hearts, they can love 'em all.This is not only a question of religion, but also of morality.

and would you really agree if a member of your family told you they were gay?? would you really, say. ok, be gay!
09.02.2016, 01:16
If you want to put the bible aside for a second, it would be good to explain this without using the concept of sin. Why do you view homosexuality as immoral? Homosexuals (men or women) are not hurting anyone, for me the that's the most important aspect of morality. (They also always will be in the minority, the argument that humanity would die out does not make sense. Of course it's not reproductive, but so is most straight sex on the planet as well, just for pleasure.)
09.02.2016, 01:32
09.02.2016, 01:36
09.02.2016, 13:16
I'm not concerned about humanity dying out, that was really not my point. I just used that  to show you homosexuality is NOT normal.
Amber Phantom
09.02.2016, 18:15
Ami, I would not understand a homosexual person and I am not in them. It's a matter of characteristics. You can not blame a carrot of being orange because it's in its nature as you can not blame a person who may love a person of the same sex.
Neither I am against sexuality nor acclaim it. But just think a second about one of your personal characteristics, say your favorite color, could you blame your brother because he may like another color?

I don't know what is it, but in a closed and restricted society as mine, no one would like to be under pressure just because of a caprice, obviously its more simple to be with a person of opposit sex rather than with one of the same sex.
If you don't believe me just go and ask around, at least, find a specialist who works in this field, go to see one of their offices and you will surely meet lots of people who are trying to turn into normality that we defined. You will meet people who are willing to fight their nature to become one of us... most of them suffer because unlike you and me don't feel any affection for the opposite it illness or whatever you like but it's in their natures.

Hope Gra corrects my speech :)
Graham Eva
09.02.2016, 19:40
Ami, I would not understand a homosexual person and I am not ONE OF them. It's a matter of HUMAN TRAITS. You can not blame a carrot of being orange because it's in its nature JUST as you can not blame a person who may love a person of the same sex.
 I am NEITHER against HOMOsexuality nor acclaim it. But just think FOR a second about one of your personal characteristics, say your favorite color, could you blame your brother because he may like another color?

I don't know what IT IS, but in a closed and restricted society SUCH as mine, no one would like to be under pressure just because of a caprice, obviously its simpleR to be with a person of THE oppositE sex rather than with one of the same sex.
If you don't believe me just go and ask around, at least, find a specialist who works in this field, go AND VISIT one of their offices and you will surely meet lots of people who are trying to CONVERT TO normality AS we defined IT. You will meet people who are willing to fight their nature to become one of us... most of them suffer because unlike you and me don't feel any affection for the opposite it illness or whatever you like but it's in their natures.

Well expressed, Amber.
22.09.2016, 02:02
I would like to contribute to this discussion and reply to some of the points that Ami has brought to the table in her second larger post.

>Homosexuality is against the nature of humanity

Societies in which homosexuality was accepted are proven to have existed as far back as the 7th century BCE. What are your claims about this 'nature of humanity' based on?  The only thing that has changed about homosexuality would be it's level of social acceptance. I claim that homosexuality has existed for as long as humanity did, and is part of it's nature.

>It's about all other species.

...except maybe for, you know, all of the species that have recordedly shown homosexual behavior? Such as dogs, cats, elephants, chickens, seagulls, various species of fish, bears and dolphins (just to name a few)? Homosexuality occurs naturally in other species besides humans as well. This is a proven fact.

>humanity would cease to exist if everyone loved someone of the same gender

That would be undeniable, but does not serve any purpose as an argument since even the *most generous* estimation I could find would estimate the precentage of homosexual humans on earth around 20%. What you are assuming is that every single heterosexual human would at some point suddenly turn homosexual. That is a ridiculous claim.

>if the love between  two men or two women is ok, then that would make the love between a 60yo man and a 12yo girl ok too..or maybe 2-3 girls,

Your sexually preferred gender has no influence over your preferred age or number of partners. The opportunity to indulge in your sexual preferences, however, is determined by your social environment. If such an environment adapts the opinion that homosexual partnerships are fine, it would not change anything about any other unaccepted form of sexual preference.

>This is not only a question of religion, but also of morality.

If so, do you have any valid points left to defend your point of view from a non-religiously inclined, moral standpoint?

Also: Yes, I would.
27.09.2016, 21:49
Ive read partially the previous comments and im really attonished to notice that in such modern Age there are still strong religious convictions against homosessuality. Id like to Remember that on the past there has been the inquisition jury that persecuted witches, were they really witches and possessed by the Devil? Then Who are you to judge them? There have been many cases of pedophylia and homosessuality in religious environment too and there are even many more than such cases not revealed.Apart this, if you make the effort to think about love and not only the physical concern, you should see no limite for love to Express between 2 or more human beings, gender doent matter and monogamy neither, the only important thing is that the love Is reciprocous and It is honest. Society and religion put limits because they Need to create some order, but the Truth is that human being needs no rules, no restrictions, human creativity and potentiality is endless (many artists are homosexuals), but It needs experience (human history) to understand by mistakes.
28.09.2016, 06:32
Ich hoffe,daß dies hilfreich ist:
Eine moralisch-philosophische oder eine wissenschaftliche Frage?

Der Homosexuellenaktivist LeVay ist der Auffassung: „Erstens: Die Wissenschaft kann kein Urteil abgeben über das, was der Mensch wert ist, sie kann auch nicht entscheiden, was zum Normalen oder zum Kranken gehört. Das sind Wert-Entscheidungen, die jeder Einzelne für sich treffen muß, dabei kann er wissenschaftliche Fakten miteinbeziehen. Zweitens: Ich bin der Auffassung, daß wir die persönliche Autonomie des Einzelnen so weit wie möglich respektieren sollten, auch wenn das Dinge mit einschließt, die ich als fehlgeleitete Wünsche bezeichnen würde, wie z. B. den Wunsch nach Veränderung der sexuellen Orientierung.“26

Und der Homosexuellenaktivist und Forscher Dean Hamer hat die folgende aufschlußreiche Bemerkung über Wissenschaft und Ethik gemacht: „Biologie ist amoralisch. Sie hilft uns nicht, zwischen richtig und falsch zu unterscheiden. Nur Menschen können – mit Hilfe ihrer Werte und ihres Glaubens – entscheiden, was ethisch richtig ist und was nicht.“27

Homosexualität ist eine Frage der Ethik und der Moral. Menschen, die unerwünschte homosexuelle Neigungen haben, haben ein Recht auf eine Therapie mit dem Ziel, diese homosexuellen Neigungen zu verringern. Ob andere diese Entscheidung richtig finden oder nicht, ist nicht so wichtig wie der Respekt vor diesem Recht, selbst eine Entscheidung treffen zu können. Tatsächlich ist dieses Recht ein Gebot der Toleranz und der Pluralität.


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