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Beiträge | |
Sylvester. I need partner talking with me English and we will support each other. | |
Kater Dear Friend, It's me Madam Kate Robinson, Please Let make this life worth living by replying back through my email address (katerobinson011@outlook.com) . | |
ahmedzenab hi love how are you i really need to talk to you here is my email (zeahra 6 @ gmail com ) drop me a mail if you dont mind | |
jessychen Hi, singing English songs helps us to learn English, especially English oldies. The music and the lyrics of English old songs are nice for us to learn something. The following youtube videos are created by me recently. You may copy and paste it to the browser and enter. https://youtu.be/D7-PP7xCjv8 https://youtu.be/CPNRPrcfyV8 Hopefully you will like it. Best regards, jessy |
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