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Language games
Beiträge | |
Cleo I didn't want to SLUR you saying that! | |
bob9billion Indeed Cleo, that would be SOUR. | |
★..GentleCat..★ 'Cleo' It's a FOUR Letter word. | |
Graham Eva It may be but you are not allowed to use FOUL language here. | |
bob9billion Which language does a FOWL speak? | |
Cleo Stop to HOWL at the Moon! :)) I'm sleeping. | |
Graham Eva Come out from under that COWL and show your face!! | |
Cleo You should turn off the air conditioner the air is too much COOL !!!!! | |
Graham Eva Only a FOOL would turn on the sir-conditioning in January! | |
Cleo :P It depends on where you live! You are playing dirty POOL!! :P | |
Graham Eva Dirty pool? I am struggling to understand your POOR English!!! | |
Cleo Loolll Please do not POUR gasoline on the fire! Stop to do It! :P | |
Ami (piccola lezione per Cleo. 'stop TO DO it'= fermati PER fare quella cosa and 'stop DOING it'= smettila di fare quella cosa now don't you LOUR at me, Cleo! | |
Graham Eva I can here a LOUD cry of despair! | |
Cleo Thanks a lot Ami Look at my English teacher he's so lazy that doesn't teach me any grammar rules and I would like to say him just stop to LAUD me :P | |
bob9billion Maybe he needs to get LAID. | |
Graham Eva or possibly even get PAID!!!! | |
Ami no matter how much money she gives you, it's not worth the PAIN! | |
Graham Eva I agree that whatever she may GAIN is not worth the loss of my sanity! | |
Cleo Loll you're wrong A couple of days you will feel as right as RAIN | |
Ami unfortunately, it's too late for that , he's already gone to wrack and RUIN | |
Graham Eva It looks like I'll be suin' you for defamation of character! | |
Ami (suin' looool ... someone pliz teach Graham some English :p ) please don't. I'm afraid others will follow SUIT! | |
Cleo Do not offend my teacher he could SLIT his wrists to get my attention! !!! | |
Graham Eva What a silly girl to use the word "Ruin" You nearly ruined the word chain! At least he is not obsessed with appearing SLIM at whatever cost!! |
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