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Language games
Beiträge | |
Condorito Navideño lata (Dose) | |
Condorito Navideño alma (Seele) | |
Condorito Navideño mala (schlecht) | |
Condorito Navideño sala (Saal) | |
Condorito Navideño casa (Haus) | |
Condorito Navideño cama (Bett) | |
Condorito Navideño Lama (spuckt :-) ) | |
Condorito Navideño Lava (heiss) | |
Condorito Navideño lavo (Ich wasche) | |
Condorito Navideño Velo (Sportgerät) | |
Condorito Navideño pelo (Haar) | |
Condorito Navideño Opel (Auto) | |
Condorito Navideño piel (Haut) | |
Ami LOL Graham, thank God that so far that's never been my case :P PEOPLE, this game is in ENGLISHHHH!!!! Write the translation of these words in other languages in ( BRACKETS ) I'll continue from 'seat' meat (Italian&Portuguese-carne, German-das Fleisch) | |
Amy team German: Gruppe, Mannschaft | |
Amy male German: männlich | |
Wolfgang mule (Deutsch: Esel) | |
★..GentleCat..★ Mute ![]() | |
Amy mood (German: Stimmung) | |
Condorito Navideño modo (el) = Art (und Weise) | |
Condorito Navideño modo (el) = Art (und Weise) | |
Graham Eva dodo The bird least likely to make a big come back in the near future. | |
Graham Eva Dido Queen of Carthage | |
Condorito Solitario Odin (Göttervater, big boss) | |
Marie eine Ubernachtung auf Freiem Feld ist nicht jedermanns sache?:) ![]() ![]() |
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