

Plan for Christmas?

21.12.2015, 08:10
Please comment
26.12.2015, 06:21
eating - eating - eating    (regetting)

Merry Christmas!  :dance:
26.12.2015, 06:22
05.10.2016, 00:31
So... any plans for Christmas? :)
06.10.2016, 16:28
I think it is too early to have a plan for Christmas.
You want to hear a Christmas song?
Regina Ra
06.10.2016, 18:24
Hallo Alphina, leider ist mein Englisch soooo mies geworden seit ich mich nur noch mit Italienisch abmühe.
06.10.2016, 18:31
I want to eat Spekulatius! :party:
06.10.2016, 20:08
Regina, geht mir auch so.
07.10.2016, 18:41 (Überarbeitet 07.10.2016, 18:41)
I have already made plans for Christmas because my niece invited my husband and me for December 24 th. The next day we'll have some of our best friends for dinner at our house. This has been a tradition for many years and I'm  really looking forward to it. Although Christmas isn't the same as many years ago when I was a child, I think we'll have a couple of nice days.
Wishing you the same
Suppi Black
21.11.2016, 00:45
Me and my friends have our traditional christmas dinner. We'll work in Teams for the different dishes. The Christmas days i'll spend with my family in my hometown. Are there any people to go out clubbing on christmas eve? I did it some years ago but still not sure how to think about it  
21.11.2016, 11:51 (Überarbeitet 21.11.2016, 11:51)
we just booked today . Austria near wilder Kaiser ( wild king) ski , spa, chili :party: :dance: :sleep: :thumb:
21.11.2016, 21:09
There is a saying in italian:

Natale con i tuoi
Pasqua con chi vuoi

Regina R
22.11.2016, 16:49
Preferisco il secondo modo di dire. Alla festa di Natale ho sempre molti ospiti. Purtroppo non c'è più abbastanza tempo libero per me stessa. A Natale mi piacerebbe andare in Italia.:))))
Andrea Maria
24.11.2016, 17:31
Amici, non mi fate nervosa. natale e' ancora lontano....Ciao,Alphina! Schön, dich hier zu treffen! Grüß dich,regina! Und ciao- a tutti!


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