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Skype-talks for learning English really fluently - offer teaching in German

06.02.2018, 11:16
Hi guys,

my English is not bad, but often I have the problem that I don`t feel really safe. So I`m looking for someone, who wants to chat with me via skype. I would be happy about a natives speaker, or someone who is really good and fluently in it. I think it would be good, one time per week for half an hour. In return I can offer teaching in German.

Hope to find someone here :)
11.02.2018, 21:13
Hi Frank-K,
my English also needs to be perfect ))
Hope to hear from you
12.02.2018, 03:35
Okay :) add me on fb and we can talk how it can work https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002603188096&ref=...


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