

Talk about football

17.05.2017, 15:27
Dear all!

Who has passion to talk about football. I like Bayern München. I know one hand hate them. The other love them. How do you see this club?

Another interesting thing is who relegate in the secaon league. What is your opinion?

I hope this topic is for many people interesting.

24.06.2017, 09:03 )Hi contact me my private e-mail for more about me
I am Interested in you
25.06.2017, 10:27
Sorry! I'm just interested to discuss about football here.

Do you have a favourite football team?

Chris Guitar
27.07.2017, 12:58 (Überarbeitet 28.07.2017, 14:30)
Hi Wolf!
I don`t like Bayern München. They have a great team and the manager(s) has done their job very well. But for me, Hoeneß and K.H. Rummenigge are very arrogant. And it is very boring, that they win the "deutsche Meisterschaft" every year. O.k., that's not their fault.;-) I hope for more competition this year.

But the last years i have a general problem with football. Money, money, money.... that is the main topic. How can we get better....we need more money. More and more i get the feeling, that the sport/ the team isn't the main topic. It can't be healthy, if a transfer sum of 20 Million dollar for a ordinary player gets normal. It's getting more and more business and less football. It's frustrating.
28.07.2017, 11:51
Hi Chris,

thank you for your opinion.

Bayern won often the championship because they work hard for this goal. You are right that is or was very boring when only one team won / wins.

I think we haven't only the problem with winner. The whole league has a problem. For many teams it isn't possible to get a place for the CL or UEFA.

The money isn't very well allocatted. I mean especially the money for TV.

The second problem is that we accept this... We go every weekend in stadiums. We buy the fan merchandise. And so on...

I don't know how you can change this situation. Do you have any ideas?
Chris Guitar
28.07.2017, 14:55
I'm not sure... but maybe a salery cap, like they use it in america can help. Another option is, that the value of a player will be defined and established by a "jury/computer statistic program" (for example Thomas Müllers value will be defined of 20 Million Euro and a club can't pay more or less).
31.07.2017, 13:07

this sounds interesting. But what is a salery cap?

The second solution sounds also interesting. But I think this isn't possible to implement this, or not. I would like to prefer a limit of TV awards and a relaunch of the "Landesmeister Cup". The excitement would be there from the first round. At the moment I find the group stage very boring. The weakly teams have a better chance to win.

What do you think about this?
Chris Guitar
01.08.2017, 10:56

With a salery cap they mean a "Gehaltsobergrenze".

Im not sure, if the second solution is possible. But it will be very difficult to install a regulation like this.  Im sure,it won't work without a long lawsuit (Rechtsstreit).

For my oppinion the champions league is fine the way it is. Less money for the tv transmission (or broadcast ??? I'm not sure... transmission sounds like car technology...beides meint Übertragung, aber sinngemäß passt hier glaube besser broadcast...was sagst du Wolf?) will be as difficult as the regulation of the player values.
02.08.2017, 12:20

I guess broadcast would be the right word.

When a limitation isn't possbile I think there is chance for a better allocation between the clubs. When I'm informed right the league gets a lot of money which is allocated between the clubs. The percentages have to be changed. For example Bremen gets more percentages than before. This should be also happened in the other european leagues.

What do you think which team will win the next seaon the Bundesliga. Of course, I say Bayern. But I believe that Leipzig will play a main role.
Chris Guitar
03.08.2017, 11:02
Normally Fc Bayern München will win the league this year. I think, that Borussia Dortmund will need one year, to get used with the new system (4-3-3). If they hadn't changed the coach, they could have win (or won?) the league this season. But now it will take time.

Concerning Leipzig....most of the clubs, which played international the first time, had problems with the rhythm. So I'm not sure, if they can play such a good season, like last year.

Oh Gott, ob dass grammatikalisch/Zeitformen etc. so richtig ist?????
07.08.2017, 12:30

You are right with the aspect that a team has problems who plays the first time in an international cup.

I think Dortmund will also play a good role. I didn't see the Supercup but it was very scarce.


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