

Brain Teasers/ Funny Riddles.. !!

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Lea K
18.01.2016, 20:09
the answer: white :p
18.01.2016, 20:10
lol, how a white bear?
Lea K
18.01.2016, 21:41
pues,los unicos lugares donde se cumple la condicion de regresar al punto de partida son el polo norte y cualquier punto situado a 10 km al norte de los paralelos que midan 10 km de circunferencia, puesto que al hacer los 10 km al este volveremos al punto de either case we will be in one of the poles, so that the bear is white.though it might be green :chin:
Lea K
18.01.2016, 21:42
if the bear was a cat :tongue:
19.01.2016, 05:56
:facepalm: Yo confused me with your explanation :facepalm: :chin:
19.01.2016, 06:11
Lea wants to go on a date and prefers her date to be tall, dark and handsome.

Of the preferred traits - tall, dark and handsome - no two of gato verde, gato suave, Gentlecat and GreenCat have the same number.
Only gato verde or GreenCat is tall and fair.
Only gato suave or Gentlecat is short and handsome.
gato verde and Gentlecat are either both tall or both short.
gato suave and GreenCat are either both dark or both fair.

Who is Lea's date?
19.01.2016, 20:17
pff,  it's easy
19.01.2016, 20:17
20.01.2016, 06:57
'U' have four names in the above puzzle, give me any one. :smile:
21.01.2016, 19:42
Hello Fan, Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Another friend and I am unclean... WHO AM I?
22.01.2016, 08:27
I am Mr.X :smile:
22.01.2016, 17:13
Cat all for of them are u, so i give u you :p
22.01.2016, 18:23
:blush: Gracias. :)
22.01.2016, 20:04
de nada, gatito :p
25.01.2016, 23:37
hey cat, an easy one for u ;)   the answer i give is yes, but what i mean is no. what was the question?
26.01.2016, 11:51
Can you say 'No' ? or Are you sleeping?
26.01.2016, 18:26
i can say NO, but if i  say NO  it will mean YES  :tongue:
i was sleeping actually, till while ago :D thanks for asking
26.01.2016, 18:54
:tongue: I am right :smile:
26.01.2016, 19:37
nope, those are not the right questions :tongue:
27.01.2016, 15:12
Am I doing anything wrong by not admiring your sparkling eyes?
27.01.2016, 16:55
yes, you are avoiding the answer  :p
27.01.2016, 19:27
lol, See you said YES but you mean NO :dance: I won :dance:
27.01.2016, 22:32
when i mean no i say it so, u didn't win, u don't know the answer :p
28.01.2016, 06:15
Do you mind if I don't know the answer?
28.01.2016, 16:33
nope cat, actually i think i am in love with your stunning mind
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