

Language games

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Name too short
28.12.2015, 22:16
How DARE to say that???
28.12.2015, 22:16
lol how DARE you say I care about him????
28.12.2015, 22:17
lol who beat me to it????
Graham Eva
28.12.2015, 23:05
DARN, beaten again eh Ami!!
28.12.2015, 23:27
better she goes into the BARN!
Graham Eva
28.12.2015, 23:38
Will she go BARE or wear her wellies?
Graham Eva
28.12.2015, 23:59
I cannot see anything here!
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:03
I do not want to BORE you Cleo but I cannot read your invisible sentences
29.12.2015, 00:03
just to PARE her dress away
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:03
Too late!!
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:04
I shall have to PORE over everything you have written to try and understand what you meant to say.
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:05
Meanwhile Cleo will drink her customary bottle of PORT
29.12.2015, 00:16
lollllllllllll nothing of the SORT!
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:18
Man the FORT I think Cleo is planning an attack!
29.12.2015, 00:33
you FORM the plural by adding an "s", so I'm planning more attackS than one!
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 00:44
That is the NORM in your case, Cleo
29.12.2015, 01:03
oh man, I'm learning words from Cleo...pare... oh man.. embarrassing..... close this game for good!!!!! :P

oh my it's past 2 a.m. ..I should be heading for the DORM
29.12.2015, 05:44
Is this chat ROOM misused for a shit storm? ;)  (and who is Mark?)
Maui Eh Pooh - El pequeno enano
29.12.2015, 06:19
Che giochi strani.....
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 17:04
What a DORK staying up so late!!
29.12.2015, 17:19
well, I had too much PORK and couldn't go to sleep with a full stomach
29.12.2015, 17:20
P.S. Mark is an awful troll I had on another site
29.12.2015, 22:29
Listen to me! I want to give you an advice! if you don't want to vomit the pork you should put a big CORK on your mouth! :)
Graham Eva
29.12.2015, 22:45
Or tie a CORD around your oesophagus to stop youeself regurgitating any food.
29.12.2015, 23:05
what a bad suggestion! I think if the real CORE issue is you want to kill her! That's all!
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